I could start with Sinuous, Sleek, sexy, Svelte and go on to the more creepier adjectives like Slippery and Slimy, but whatever word I used wouldn't suffice in doing justice to the amazing visitor who dropped in, at my Bungalow, this afternoon, I had gone to my vegetable garden, intending to get some fresh Coriander for a salad I was making for lunch,(as I said,I am on a diet), and there it was,,, just fresh off a meal, I guess, judging from its sluggishness,,hanging half out of a hole it was attempting to enter. It was an awesome, majestic- "61/2 foot" long snake, wider than my wrist, with a frog in its jaws,(which explained its inability to enter the hole it was tar getting, and its so called sluggishness), anyways, I ran, got my camera, prodded it with a thin, weedy twig, remembered that the Hospital was out of Anti Snake Venom, called up our supplier, and proceeded to try and capture some of the snakes' beauty on my camera,,, Well, since I am hardly a naturalist, the shots do not do it full justice, You had to be there to fully appreciate its strange beauty, I guess, but for what it is worth, here are some of the pictures I took, and I shall attempt to upload the video on U-Tube tomorrow,,,,,,
A little bit of polishing up of my technique, and another alternate career lined up for me,, What say you???
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