Monday, April 28, 2008

Farewell? For a while,,,

I am in my OPD, patients are coming at a mere trickle, unlike the downpour outside, the weather is making the imminent farewell all the more harder.
Last night, I was busy packing up, I can never can make out what to take and what not to,, and always end up taking either more stuff than I ever can possibly use, or am reduced to walking the streets, naked,, not literally, of course.
I cried,,,
Did it have anything to do with the fact that I was also watching "The Lake House"? or is it due to the fact that I was reminded, once again, how unpredictable my life has become, of late.
Living my life out of a suitcase, is what I have been doing, never staying in a place long enough, to put down any roots, I looked at myself in the mirror, even I ha changed, in so many ways, both seen and unseen,. the tears came to my eyes, unstoppable, uninvited,,and swept me along, in a miserable wave of self-pity, and how I hated myself for this,,.
Even the songs I seemed to be playing these days were invariably sad songs, and how I wallowed in their melancholy lyrics, every song seemingly mirroring my own misery.
I fly out of here, on the 30th, and it may be a while before my next post,,, so, untill then, So-long...


Anonymous said...

Rajarshi, thanks for leaving such a nice comment. As usual, I loved reading this post. I missed Lake House, thought of seeing that, but couldn't manage due to numerous reasons.It surely comes out from your posts, that you are a very good observer and reader, and most importantly having very good insight. Have a good week ahead!

Rajeeb said...

Poor thing!! as you always say!!
Nothing to feel so sad about. I am sure you will excel and GROW ROOTS !! this time for sure.Do keep in touch. Missing your company though.
Take care.

quetzalcoatl said...

hmm...u seem 2 be goin 4 a longish break....hope u'll resume soon...
