This is in response to a comment, extremely ill-natured and entirely uncalled for, by a senior of the place I happen to be working in, He had the gall to say that he was losing faith in the people of this profession, ie in us lowly doctors. Why? Because I happened to decide to quit my job and go for an opportunity to try and get an extra qualification. While I did try to explain to all and sundry, that this was a tough call for me to make, I had to decide between a cushy present and an uncertain future, and I really feel that the Gentleman who passed the crass, childish remark, needs to take a swift look at what is going wrong in their own front yard, before shifting the blame onto someone else, by far the easier thing to do, I know, but something one doesn't associate with age and Experience. that is on top of the fact that if he fell ill, he would rather go to a so-called specialist, than come to me. Hypocrisy and ignorance!!!
Even if this chance to study a subject very close to my heart hadn't come along, I still would have been forced to leave this job, because I for one, do not like being an unwelcome guest, and that was exactly what I was here. The Hospital and its staff will never be anything but a white elephant for the people who run the place, and I would rather be somewhere, in the middle of the Saharan desert, getting paid in peanuts, but doing something worthwhile, working for someone who realised the value of a human life, and what caring for that feels like, because as doctors, this is what we spend 6 back-breaking years learning to do. Unless a person has experienced what we go through, in becoming doctors, I do not think, they have any right what-so-ever, to turn up their noses at us, or what we do.
No claims to greatness here, it is just that, when I join a particular job, I do like to think that I would be able to make a difference, but when you spend the better part of the day, in verbal duelling, just so that you can care for your patients better, it just gets too much to take. Add to that the comment made by the same senior, that in such a place, there is nothing called a private life for its employees, What do you say to that? That anybody can dictate what you do in the privacy of your bedrooms, that a person can just stride into your house and ask why you decided to paint your rooms a particular colour,,I seriously am at a loss for words.
I still consider being a doctor, more of a vocation, than a profession, and I consider job-satisfaction and a good work environment, much more important than a bag-full of money. There are so many things I want to tell the "gentleman'', with all respect to his graying hair, but most of all I would like to tell him that, I do not mind physical hardships in a job, it is the mental apathy of my employers that kill me. I am not used to running a plantation, being born after the British left these shores, and this is something I really would not want to try and learn now, not if it manages to stamp out the one thing that I feel is extremely necessary, if I have to be any good at what I do, yes I want to hang on to the human qualities I still have left in me.

Meanwhile 'Lorbo lorbo jeetbo re',,,,rents the air,, The Kolkata Knights have won their second match in a row,, and I have to go and join the festivities,,,,Yeaaaahhhhhh!!!!!
The shaking you feel is just me doing a victory dance,,,(Have learnt a few moves from the contestants of,'So you think you can dance' on AXN,, you see)
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