Monday, April 7, 2008

An Obituary

Someone today asked me why I didn't go and get married (not right then, of course), seeing how alone I always seemed to be,(hardly any surprises there as I am at a Tea Estate), and the reply that sprang from my lips, very spontaneously, without any thoughts what-so-ever, which is exactly how I do most of my talking, a very endearing trait, I know, was that I was indeed thinking of getting a dog!!!!!

All my abject apologies to anyone offended by this, for I have nothing against Marriage, as an Institution, and am myself the product of a quite happy union, as far as marriages go, but I still would rather go get a dog, any day of the week, than get married, if the only motive in doing so was to get myself a companion, and this should be considered as an Obituary to all the various dogs that I had, over a period of time, starting with the first one called 'Pinki", a Bhutanese mongrel I had when I was barely 10, to the last few, till the whole lot, grew old and died, one after the other, all of them leaving behind a part of themselves, in my memories,,.

Everybody who has ever had a dog, will agree when I say that a dog's eyes can be the most lovely, sympathetic, selfless things one could ever see around them, in times of crisis,they just seem to know when you are down, and make that extra effort to show that they are there, with you, without any speech exchanged, they seem to know exactly what went through my mind, and I was always glad for the moments I spent with them, their loyalty and love carried me through some tough times indeed, and my tears always seemed to disappear, in a matter of a few licks, and the whine of sorrow, that came from them, made mine seem so very unimportant, when compared to what they used to go through whenever they saw me sad,,

Hats off to each one of them,.They are all special, and will always remain so,.
P S: I had managed to dig out the only pic I had, of Pinki, my first dog, but thanks to this wretched GPRS and its multitude of Divaesque tantrums, I couldn't load it up,, promise to do so in my next post, whatever be the post on.

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