Friday, April 25, 2008

I did it !

I did it!
Donot ever let anyone tell you, it doesn't pay to speak your mind, especially when it concerns something you believe in. If your convictions are strong enough, and you are not afraid of telling the truth, just go ahead and do it. It pays, not immediately maybe, but someday, whatever you said, will count and someone, somewhere will be benefitted, because of something you had the courage to stand up for, I know, because I did stand by what I believed in, and told it just the way it was,, I saw the starting point of good things to come, today,, and I have to thank the senior, in whose office, I spent a hour and a half, speaking my mind, not stopping to even think what the outcome would be, or how he would react, just raving on, what I said, made him look bad too, but he decided to do the proper thing, came down to the Hospital today, and put things in motion, taking care to attend to almost every point I made, I felt so vindiated, so happy, the ball has been made to start rolling, now it will depend on the people I leave behind to see it to its finish.
I am glad I did not back down, glad I had the balls to say what I believed in, and stand by it, I am really glad.
It does pay to speak your mind, to stand up for and stand by what you believe in. it does, and donot ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

1 comment:

Rajeeb said...

It does pay to speak your mind. It did set thing in motion, at least to some extent, made a ripple!!
All the best!!
