Monday, April 28, 2008
Farewell? For a while,,,
Last night, I was busy packing up, I can never can make out what to take and what not to,, and always end up taking either more stuff than I ever can possibly use, or am reduced to walking the streets, naked,, not literally, of course.
I cried,,,
Did it have anything to do with the fact that I was also watching "The Lake House"? or is it due to the fact that I was reminded, once again, how unpredictable my life has become, of late.
Living my life out of a suitcase, is what I have been doing, never staying in a place long enough, to put down any roots, I looked at myself in the mirror, even I ha changed, in so many ways, both seen and unseen,. the tears came to my eyes, unstoppable, uninvited,,and swept me along, in a miserable wave of self-pity, and how I hated myself for this,,.
Even the songs I seemed to be playing these days were invariably sad songs, and how I wallowed in their melancholy lyrics, every song seemingly mirroring my own misery.
I fly out of here, on the 30th, and it may be a while before my next post,,, so, untill then, So-long...
Friday, April 25, 2008
I did it !
Donot ever let anyone tell you, it doesn't pay to speak your mind, especially when it concerns something you believe in. If your convictions are strong enough, and you are not afraid of telling the truth, just go ahead and do it. It pays, not immediately maybe, but someday, whatever you said, will count and someone, somewhere will be benefitted, because of something you had the courage to stand up for, I know, because I did stand by what I believed in, and told it just the way it was,, I saw the starting point of good things to come, today,, and I have to thank the senior, in whose office, I spent a hour and a half, speaking my mind, not stopping to even think what the outcome would be, or how he would react, just raving on, what I said, made him look bad too, but he decided to do the proper thing, came down to the Hospital today, and put things in motion, taking care to attend to almost every point I made, I felt so vindiated, so happy, the ball has been made to start rolling, now it will depend on the people I leave behind to see it to its finish.
I am glad I did not back down, glad I had the balls to say what I believed in, and stand by it, I am really glad.
It does pay to speak your mind, to stand up for and stand by what you believe in. it does, and donot ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Do we love life?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
An after Dinner Treat, of Chocolate
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Nonsense from me (what else?)
Does anyone ever come here?
Look at all this?
Monday, April 21, 2008
A sudden Visitor, on a quiet afternoon
I could start with Sinuous, Sleek, sexy, Svelte and go on to the more creepier adjectives like Slippery and Slimy, but whatever word I used wouldn't suffice in doing justice to the amazing visitor who dropped in, at my Bungalow, this afternoon, I had gone to my vegetable garden, intending to get some fresh Coriander for a salad I was making for lunch,(as I said,I am on a diet), and there it was,,, just fresh off a meal, I guess, judging from its sluggishness,,hanging half out of a hole it was attempting to enter. It was an awesome, majestic- "61/2 foot" long snake, wider than my wrist, with a frog in its jaws,(which explained its inability to enter the hole it was tar getting, and its so called sluggishness), anyways, I ran, got my camera, prodded it with a thin, weedy twig, remembered that the Hospital was out of Anti Snake Venom, called up our supplier, and proceeded to try and capture some of the snakes' beauty on my camera,,, Well, since I am hardly a naturalist, the shots do not do it full justice, You had to be there to fully appreciate its strange beauty, I guess, but for what it is worth, here are some of the pictures I took, and I shall attempt to upload the video on U-Tube tomorrow,,,,,,
A little bit of polishing up of my technique, and another alternate career lined up for me,, What say you???
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Nagging thoughts, a victory and a cup of tea,(for dinner,I am on a diet)

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Tough times ahead
' Touch-wood'
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
God's special blessings, for me.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I hate farewells,
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
An Obituary,,,Completed
This is just to try and finish what I had left incomplete, yesterday. I am going to try and load the pic, I spoke of,...the least I can do.
By the way, Have any of you heard of the badly mutilated dog, (its ears were cut off), that was found by an American Soldier posted in Iraq? and how the soldier sat with the dog in his arms, till it felt better?, being very close to death when found, nursed him back to health, named him ' nub' due to his ear-less state, and how the dog travelled for over a hundred miles, in a not-so-well state, when the camp had to move on, in a few days time, and the dog had to be left behind, much to the soldiers' grief, to be re-united with the person it considered to be its owner, the soldier who had saved its life,, and how the soldier ran a campaign on the net to raise 2000 dollars, to ship Nub back to the States, to be kept at a friends' house, till he himself could go back, from active duty, to claim him?
This is the stuff actual love stories are made of...
Monday, April 7, 2008
An Obituary
Sunday, April 6, 2008
An evening, on a walk, after my cuppa.

This is meant to be a quick write-up, which means, you can expect to see at least a hundred and fifty sentences here, The optimum time, not to have a walk in an area, which is more than 50% leaves, bushes, marsh-land and trees, in short,,,a Tea Garden, is the twilight hour, which by the way is fast starting to encroach on the witching hour, all the mosquitoes, and various other insects of unknown lineage, (but all with a common love interest,,Moi,,) were converging on my face and eyes, and it was tough walking,,whew!! Anyways, my journey back, listening to the songs of Metro, on my cell, was free from any such intrusions,, and I was walking back fast. Femina Miss India was on, and I wanted to watch that.
My goodness, the contestants were young, 21, 22 years old, but were they confident,,! they reminded me of another such confident girl, way back in 1994, Sushmita, who has since then blossomed into this Uber-confident, awe-inspiring Diva, of the calibre of Zeenat, or maybe even better, she puts everyone else into the shadowy corners of a room, the moment she walks in, and lights it up,, my God, there hasn't been even a single Miss India after that, to come even close. Right?
Then I sat and watched "Grey's Anatomy", where again, there were these two women characters, both strong, confident Doctors, good at what they did ,one was giving up her profession, because the man she loved, succumbed to a disease, reminding her, as death of a patient always tends to, that we doctors are mere mortals, and life or death, happens in spite of us. The second Dr, on the show was being deserted by the man she loved, because he, all of a sudden, decides that she would be better off without him, the decision of a couple being taken by one man with a God mania. How many times have we come across similar incidences in Real life too?
This looks like something that ought to have been a part of some so-called Women's' magazine, during 'Women's' Day', I know,, but as the name of my Blog,( one that I didn't have to spend sleepless nights over naming) says,, these are after all the RAVINGS, albeit random of a person,,,, namely,,Me!!
Never claimed to be a great writer, or an Intellectual, and that great Revelations would come forth through my posts,, so,,, sue me!