Monday, March 31, 2008

The Supreme Truth.

All through our lives, we have choices made for us,we labour under the common misconception that we are our own masters, how laughable is this folly. I for one have always had to dance to the tunes He plays, and apart from making me a tolerable dancer, it has given me the satisfaction of fulfilling a higher purpose, that's all. He has given us this life, as a sort of trial run, to prepare us for what is to come, and our outcome (in what is to follow), shall be determined to a large extent by the manner in which we dance to the Celestial tune because dance we must, the only thing in our hands is whether we smile through it all, or crib our life away.
I am not trying to trivialise something as important as this, I just am trying to keep myself from tears, and also to reiterate my Faith, by writing it out, which, in my case, as I live alone, is like saying it all aloud to someone
The Almighty has revealed the plans He has for us, His supreme creation, and that has been passed down for generations, unchanged, word by word, in the form of the Holy Koran, for people to try and read, accept and modulate their lives, the way He has deemed it proper, not forcing us ever to do anything, against our will, but if only we were to use the organ that is supposed to make us the most superior inhabitants of this world, our brains, we would see the irrefutable logic behind it all, and that the after-life is the one that really counts. If so, all that we go through, or I should say, are blessed enough to be put through, will seem like His special blessings to each one of us, proof of how much He loves us all, regardless of how much we accept Him, in our lives.
This is meant to be a place where I can post things close to me, my feelings and thoughts, and so everything that is put down here, can hardly be humorous, or witty or clever, for that matter. I have seen the truth, and wanted to speak out loud, because these past few days have been trying, and as is very common with us all, our faith is at its most shaky, in times of stress, and this is me re-affirming my faith, my trust in Him, that whatever He has planned for me, I shall endeavour to carry it through, if He so wills it, and ask for His help, in doing so, because, even for a leaf to flutter, is but a manifestation of His will.

1 comment:

quetzalcoatl said...

thanks a lot for the comments....
u seem 2 be a very efficient blogger here....u post almost daily! wish I could be so regular!!...
I posted 2day after more than two months....
