Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A cry for help,,(No tea today)

How often do we really mean it, when we say, we could die for some-body? Can any one just end the life we hold so dear, for some-body else?

I am reading " the Zahir", now, long overdue, I know,, and I came across some lines where the author was trying to differentiate between a doctor and other 'normal' people,, I use the term normal, in all seriousness, the author says, that, a doctor has to take even an ordinary everyday situation, for which everyone else would have a seemingly innocent, rational explanation and hunt for the other, equally plausible, logical, if somewhat unlikely explanations,, and I thought, how very true that was, it is, perhaps thanks to this conditioning, we undergo,that we turn out to be such difficult people, in our personal lives, cursing all who cross our paths, in it, with eternal doom, in this twisted warped (Garp-like) world of ours, where nothing can ever be taken for granted, and we hunt for reasons, in places we could very well not do so, look for a hundred different 'logical' reasons and answers, for questions that aren't even asked,, we end up splitting hairs, making ourselves, and all those around us, miserable!

It is this very attitude, which makes us take every situation at so much more than just face-value, and go through endless torture, for the same. It is just this which is making my friend feel like this is the end of the world, and even though I want to do and say something, anything to make him feel better, make him go back to being the way he was, I can't, because, I, of the-'thousand words a minute' reputation, can't think of even a single sentence, that would achieve this,, what am I to do?

what would you do?

I'd really love for some-body to try and answer this,,PLEASE!!! I am at my wit's end, and am beginning to get really scared here. I mean it. This is not a gimmick meant to increase my TRP, or something similarly lame and insane, this is an honest plea for help. So,, HELP!!

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