Monday, March 24, 2008

Dying For a cup of TEA !!

I just cannot be expected to write anything of much value, today, and no, I donot suffer from pathological Egomania, but I am in an over-critical mood today, and whatever I try to write will seem like a post-mortem write up, not an eulogy, at that. So, the safest thing, I have decided, will be to write on things closer home, so that I step on my own toes, if at all I do. Much ,much safe, Right?
My blog's looking desperately in need of some cosmetic repairs, closely written lines, no proper spacing between them, horrid font and color schemes, the text, not anything to write home about, I mean, I can attend to my aging looks, with the help of some Ponds' age miracle, and believe me when I say, if they manage to do something about my face and the way it is starting to look, the Ponds' people will be nothing short of being the next Messiah,and I wish I had something similar for my poor blog.I, am not a very tech-savvy person, to start with,(is there any Oscar for understateents,?), and so all my attempts to make a visually appealing Blog, are just making it look like something the dog drags in,.
SIGH!!!!!!,, My Profile too, is missing the only word that I found, did describe me, totally and precisely, and I had to remove that under considerable duress, because some people found that derogatory, and here I was, thinking that as long as we donot insult any-one else(unduely), a little bit of self deprecation is quite all-right,.the bonus to that being, we don't stand any chance, what-so-ever, of turning into arrogant, Opinionated, self-righteous, know-it-alls. There is so much I still am to learn.
The Blondes of the world donot have to cry themselves hoarse, they are not the only people to be judged at face value, no sireee!! I have found that Doctors have to look, talk, smile and dress,a certain way, always helps if you are short-sighted, with horn-rimmed, (so-called) horribly unfashionable glasses, your skills be damned. I mean, any person in a pair of decent-fitted jeans, and a nice, trendy tee' has to be " DUHH !!!!" right?, How much more 'Kora-Kaagaz' can it all get? Wait, things don't end here, we are even judged on what we read, Yes!! Can you beat that?
All my life, I had to justify my liking the stuff Daniele Steel wrote, not any more, I went ahead and bought the latest paperback she wrote. If you watch soaps, serials of any kind, you cannot divulge that little gem of information, in a public place. People are so quick to judge us, based on so many, unnecessary stereotypes, it really gets to be a pain in the ass, almost every time. 'Bigots' would be too mild a term for these people, and I really am thankful at not being born to a household with one, imagine what pitiful lives, these people must subject their families to,.
I am about to end another day at work, and I think a cup of steaming hot milky tea, would manage to iron out a few of these frowns, and creases. Till next time,, :
P S: As always,I have begun somewhere, and ended at a far-removed place, this mirrors my state of mind, flights of fancy, you say?
P P S: I can see SOME PEOPLE go, hmmmmmmmm! with raised eye-brows( dyed ones, at that ).
P P P S; No lambu-ji, I donot mean you, cross my heart and hope to die.


Drumbeatsofeden said...

Gud one bro :)

daktar said...

have become addicted to ur blog. its one of d 1st things i check after coming online. great job. keep it up!
