Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Different cup of tea,,contd.

I am thinking of making this a regular feature, time and other factors permitting. I have completed just over a month at my new job and am quite liking it here. After my last job, at my Alma-Mater, as a Registrar, which is meant to denote a junior Faculty member, and as an Honorary M O of the ART Centre, which is an Anti HIV treatment centre, which provides free medications to the HIV and AIDS afflicted people of the area, run by the NACO, I was really at the cross-roads, I had spent more than three years of my life doing something I liked a lot, and which gave me the satisfaction of seeing a job well done, at the end of the day, but later on realised that I had nothing to show for it. There are certain things a person is expected to do by the time he/she reaches a certain age, of which I'd done nothing. No marriage, no kids no PG seat to show, I knew what I had done while at AMC, but how was I supposed to explain it to others? Since that job,and my disillusioned existence, since, my job here is giving me a sense of purpose, a feeling that what I am doing here, will perhaps make a small difference in some-one's life, and for me that is paramount. I get a sense of achievement with every small smile I receive from my patients, or when the small babies giggle, as I tickle them. It makes me feel good when small school-going children, stop, smile and say Good-Morning, believe me when I say, the day some-how looks and seems a lot brighter,after that. It is so peaceful and lovely here, and every single person I've encountered since my arrival here has gone out of their way to make me feel at home, in what was a very different life to start with. I am not a very ambitious person to start with, and all along, the few people and even fewer things that make up my small world, were more important to me, and I measure my success and failure in their context. Chubwa is a lovely place and I am indeed lucky to get a chance and make a bit of difference to another human life,a part that gets horribly lost at the jobs, the Metros have to offer. I just hope I can continue to do my job well, and as humanely as possible, because I truly feel, a Doctor not only treats an illness, he/she also spreads compassion, and tries to heal souls.

P S: I am loving the quarters allotted to me, and am trying to convert it into a " Home".

P P S : The Air crafts flying overhead (not today, it's cloudy) make me feel as if I am a part Of Rang-De-Basanti,,,,,

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