Thursday, November 27, 2008

Of Kings and Beggars,,

For a change, I get to start the day exactly the way I want to, well maybe not completely exactly (?) because there was no milk in the fridge and I had to go get some, before I settled down in front of the TV with a cup of hot steaming tea, talk of life saving draughts.
As is my wont, I tend to skim the news channels first, and I kind of got stuck on NDTV 24/7 where they were following Jyotiraditya Scindia on his campaign trail in a programme called ‘Follow the Leader’, He is a strong bet for the ruling party, and their slogan states their desire to get closer to the “Aam Aadmi” the “common Man” to those uninitiated in our National Lingo, and after a while of watching him on his trail I couldn’t help feeling I was in an India a few centuries back, for here was a man who belonged to a princely family, hailed wherever he went as “Maharaj-ji”, who traveled along-with his own entourage, which included his family cook and an entire team of helpers, who followed him, in a Gypsy of their own, with all the materials and ingredients that go into making the favorite dishes of their King, just for the simple reason that he does not like food prepared by any one else, it has to be made the way his chef of 15 years does it,, and so the money that goes into his campaign sustains an entire kitchen on the move, among other similar ‘kingly’ whims I am sure. What a way to connect to the ‘Aam Aadmi’ was all that went through my mind when I saw this,, it was so much similar to the way you and I carry a lunch ‘Dabba’ to work, right?
I wonder how he is going to manage his election campaign account books, for I believe it is scrutinized by the EC, strictly at that,, he must be a genius with figures along with being a dashing young ‘King”,.
One more gem this morning, one of my friends’ brother, who is an inveterate egg-lover, devised a novel way towards cholesterol-control, eat ‘just two’ eggs instead of 'six', a day…Great way to go, right?, and we waste so much time on exercise and the right diet when it was so simple, all along. Way to go “Bhaiyya”.
PS. I am waiting for two more days before I get my return tickets because the petroleum ministry has announced sizable fuel price cuts, another Election first, in many ways,, so the Air-tickets have to get cheaper right?
Till next time, it is time for me to get my cape and hood ready, foe me to go and play Super-hero and save Lives.. God be with you.

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