Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Living Lies..

“No first use Treaty” Sounds very much like something that two groups of warring neighborhood kids would sign, prior to say, a Cricket match,,
On the contrary, this was rather something said by Asif Ali Zardari, via Videoconferencing during the Leadership Summit held in India,, sounds like a pile of words right? That is exactly what it is,, a useless pile of words that does not mean anything. How can anything as mundane as accountability exist when nuclear weaponry is at stake? How can two Nations who are busy enhancing their Nuclear arsenal (just because they are extremely developmentally motivated, mind you) ,be trusted on this? Do they really think if things reach such a state so as to lead to a show of Nuclear strength, people would leave all other thoughts to investigate who threw the first stone, literally? Just think how such an investigation would ensue and how it would progress in two such countries where justice exists only if you are poor, unconnected and on the faulty side of affairs,, everybody else manages to get away with everything, even murder, so what is a little massacre here and there?
Let us think of some outside agency snooping around, investigating such a case, the only good that would do, is give rise to a whole new group of prejudices, a whole new era of mistrust and needless persecution of the thoroughly undeserving, like what happened post 9/11, and while all this happens, the people who are really guilty sit in their cozy rooms, munching on pop-corn perhaps, while enjoying a close, on-the-scene view of things, thanks to modern information technology and the ever hungry for ‘a-byte’ vampirish new breed of journalists, ,whose jobs seem to depend entirely on how much dirt and tears they can muck up, in comparison to the next channel. While all this unravels, India, whose image is taking a beating already, takes one more, below the belt.
We were a nation of snake-charmers and sadhus who have evolved into a people who roam around with bombs and IEDs under our cloaks casting furtive glances all around, bloody murder on our minds. High time we hire a good PR firm.
Coming back to my original peeve, how can anyone with even an ounce of grey-matter in their skulls, for one moment think that nuclear warfare can be put on hold with such a trivial piece of paper? Can people who are so busy tearing each other to shreds be depended upon to honour such a thing? Can two nations governed by Ex-crooks and criminals really depend on its so-called leaders to do any good? We as a voter have created a Frankenstein-ish being, in the form of our elected representatives. Now we can just wait and watch, the control is out of our hands, we have set the ball rolling, and matters can only go from bad to worse from here, while our leaders count their vote banks in glee and smirk behind genteel grey beards….
PS..To end this,, let me tell you that I was 'not-so-politely' informed, by this 27-28 year old techie-son of one of my patients, that his money pays my salary and that I have to ‘bloody well’ give him my time, whenever he asks for it. More on that in a subsequent post? I still am fuming.


daktar said...

ah! the techie guy! and didnt that prick know that you were bloody well saving his parent's life too?
now i am fuming.

Gaurav SPEAKS said...

Take a consent from the techie for euthanasia and do it,mercy killing him for our lot. Regarding the post,i disagree,can write somthing about it,if you don't mind.

rajarshi said...

Go ahead,,
isn't that what this is all about?
