Friday, August 29, 2008


I wish I were a girl,,,,,Before any of you rush around looking for Freud's cell number, let me finish,, after that you can have me committed, for all I care. If this post is accidentally ('coz people do not usually read my trash!!) read by any hard core feminist, they are going to contemplate running after me with tar and brush..

Anyways, to get back on track, I really wish I were a girl, because girls really have it made. All through life guys subject themselves to various forms of torture, sometimes in the name of Education and at other times, in the name of fashion or in order to look cool, just so at the end of 30 years of gross misery, they are considered a safe enough bet and are made to shoulder responsibilities that cling on like an unsatieted vampire, letting go only after the death throes of the afore said male dislodges them, Girls on the other hand just have to look pretty, and now-a-days, talk smart, listen well and nod at the appropriate times,,all the time dissecting what every other female in the vicinity is wearing, or in their minds, roaming the aisles of the nearby Mall, where there is this "simply killing" sale going on,,,,They have MEN to look after them, for ever, once the bait is firmly held between the hormonally ravaged males' teeth,, and who are ready to play Sir Galahad, at the slightest hint of tears in their lady's cosmetically enhanced eyes, to whip out their coats and tide them over the pool of muddy sorrow troubling them,, at the moment..

Girls have it so easy,, never a thought of mortgages, loans, Anniversaries forgotten, and penance due,,knowing all the while that there is someone out there looking out for them, ready to forgo kingdoms, or betray their closest buddies, with hardly a pause to think,,ready with their arrows aimed at improbable golden deer, willing to face a marauding army or a roomful of giggling glances, waiting outside the trial room of a clothing store,,murmuring compliments, each more heartfelt than the previous,,,,all for an approving smile, a grateful touch,,,,,,I tell you Girls have it made...

I am totally for their using their so called feminine wiles and charms to get what they want,, it would be sheer foolishness indeed to waste such potent weapons,,,and when the targets are there jostling each other, chests bared, to be first in line, why not?

I tell you, I would love to be a girl.!!


daktar said...

i agree with u all d way.

but on the other hand, i wud love some feminist to get hold of this post and see how she reacts, just for the fun of it. or maybe a thinking female (a rare species???) who wud like to respond to this post with one of her own.

Anjum said...

This singular post really calls for a female point of view and since there are no other females in sight, I'm going to have to be the one Vnay gets to see 'react' (although as I'm no feminist,it's probably not as much 'fun').
@Rajarshi- What makes you think girls have it so different? No female with an IQ higher than her body temperature lives her life ".. to (just) look pretty, and now-a-days, talk smart, listen well and nod at the appropriate times..". I know becuse I'm a girl and I really don't think I have it any easier than you do.
