It's past 12 midnight, we are well into what some people call the witching hour, I am plugged into my favourite FM station and having aimlessly wandered through the maze called the Internet, I finally decide to try and put something down here, it has been long overdue. There has been a few things brewing in my mind, these past few days, I just haven't been able to catch hold of one particular thought, from where I could start unravelling my convoluted musings,It's true, at the best of times, with only happy, cheerful thoughts, I still have to assimilate my twisted mind into some sort of order before I myself start to understand what is really going on upstairs, and at times like these, when happy thoughts are a distant mirage, somewhat like the UPA and it's dreams of an unconditional support by the Left, on the Nuclear stand that our 'Not-So-Brave PM' has cornered himself and his party into,,,my brain truly attains the quality of a puzzle that would stump many a Sphinx,,, had they but existed today,,
Something is not quite right,, my OCD extends to such an extent that I can feel when things aren't going the way they are meant to, in my immediate vicinity, at home or in the lives of the few people I love, and who I guess, love me too.. My mother is having this chronic cough,, she has been, since quite a while, and now she has been experiencing a mildly painful redness in both her eyes,, I am scared,, of the fact that my Grand-ma died of Lung cancer,, and maybe I AM reading too much into this,, but I AM SCARED!!!! For us death isn't an unknown entity,, (by us, of course I mean Doctors,,) and yet we don't want to accept the human frailty that exists in our family, in the ones we love,, We want them to stay unscathed by age, time and disease.
Something is not quite right, I can feel it,, I can,,!
If only I also knew where, and how to put it right, as easily as I straighten a crooked bed-spread in my room, or rewrite an untidy drug-list on a patients bed-side ticket,,,I can't,, and this hurts,, so I do the only thing I can, given this situation,,I pray, to Him who gives us all our troubles, and also the strength to face, fight and if He deem it so, overcome them.
The fact that we are mere puppets never strikes one as strongly as in these moments of impotent helpless anxiety,, and we realise, all over again, how HUMAN we are,,