Despite the pseudo hangover I"m having, I'd do it all over again tonight.
while getting ready to come to work, in the morning I had the news on and happened to catch this story, it was a video shot by a doting parent or other family member I guess, and it showed a pretty little girl, standing beside a serene lake, picking up infant puppies from a wicker basket and hurling them into the water. One by one, she drowned them all!!
I was beyond horror!
What sort of a psychological make-up must she have to be able to calmly and cold-bloodedly do that, even hardened criminals are seldom able to withstand a puppies charms, and there she was!
I really wondered who the person wielding the camera was too, I mean, it had to be an adult, what on earth must have been going through their heads to presume that the act being played out in front of their eyes was cute enough to be filmed and then shared with the world?
Having grown up in a house where we had up to 18 dogs at a time, I cannot even begin to describe what I felt.
This is meant to be an outpouring of my indignation, please do not look for elegance of thought or a better turn of prose!!
Having seen my share of horrific grainy youtube videos, I can say that there's no limit to internet horror and human stupidity.
I saw another video where a man repeatedly kicked and punched a girl, presumably his girlfriend- it was so sick that i could not see beyond half the clip.
The internet has become the most rotten form of democracy in the world today- one where everybody has a voice, however deranged it may be. Its sick, but it has also taught me the pitfalls of unlimited and absolute democracy.
People are generally stupid and mean, and so equality and democracy will never be a perfect system- neither on the net nor in real life.
and we'll keep watching the sick vids.
Too long a comment? Well, I am damn angry at these sadists actually.
And its good to see you back, sir.
No, its actually good to see someone else similarly outraged, I know we can be horrifyingly mean, cruel and sadistic, life probably makes some of us that way, not that anything can ever excuse depravity of any kind, but how about that child? Where does she get it from? Are we fundamentally evil and thereby spawn evil too?
She is going to grow up to be a Borgia or Jill the ripper probably!!
P.S- Good to be back!
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