Just got over two very days of torture,, what else would anyone call 10 hellish hours, a day, spent cooped up in an air-conditioned (read stale air, re-re-re-cycled) space, listening to a bunch of people air their knowledge, a great chunk of whom just do not know that they have got to relearn entire books on phonetics, and peruse a few good joke books while they are at it.
See what I go through for the sake of self-betterment?
Anyways, after the end-credits rolled , I rushed out of there and decided to walk a part of the way, back to my match-box. I wasn't disappointed, Sunday in Hyderabad and you are treated to a feast for your eyes, there is something to suit every one's tastes, people are out in full plumage.
So, here I was, walking along, alone, my Giordano backpack on one shoulder (have to name drop for the sake of revenue), minding my own business, lost in thoughts, too quick silvery, too varied to put down here, and I saw this simply gorgeous, drool-worthy Rolls-Royce sedan, I tell you, I still have goose-bumps from the sight. I stood and stared, unashamed, unabashed. The car was at a red-light, and that gave me my chance, while I was gaping like an idiot, the window swooshed down, rolled down does not do justice, and a young, hep-looking male popped out his face and asked me if I wanted to be dropped off anywhere,,,now get this, I am not someone who ordinarily hitches rides, nor am I usually that approachable, but please try and understand,,,this was a Rolls for crying out loud.
So, with a sweeter than usual smile on my face, in I hopped in, into HEAVEN. The window slid up, the music was on, Delhi 6 (by the way get the soundtrack, its lovely), and we get to talking, as in, I sit and nod or shake my head, in between ogling the glorious insides of this dream machine. The light changes and he asks where I wanted to be dropped off, when I think of it later, I think that was when I should have had alarms go off, he wasn't going my way, at all. But I was busy you see, busy being an idiot. So we are on our way, when I notice a lul in the conversation, he had asked me a question, flummoxed, I asked him to repeat what his question was, and he said,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," What are your rates?" I am world-wise, but it took me 10 seconds to get it, he thought I was a what???????????? I did not know whether to laugh, cry or kick,,I was that taken aback, and anyone who knows me will vouch that I am never lost for a retort. I sat there catching flies, when he repeated his question, and said that he was looking for company to while a Sunday evening away and that I was the best he had seen in Hyderabad so far.
I murmured something, I do not remember what, but whatever it was, it made him pull over, stop and unlock the door, out I jumped, walked away, without breathing, and did not stop till I was back in my room.
I am still trying to recall my answer.