Boy, I miss my Sunday night dates with the top slotted NBC show, "Greys' Anatomy". Anyways, I am back in my room, after an extra gruelling night shift, and with green goo on my face, am sitting down to write this, eyes stinging, mind you, but I better, since the afore mentioned 'goo' on my face needs a half-hour to dry out, and then only can I proceed to my bath, and then,,,,Sleep,,,,my pillow beckons,,.
Why the 'Goo'?,,I ask myself the same question, its not as if I am in a job which needs me to put on my best face, literally, in front of dozens of people that I meet, as a part of my job. Hardly, the only unlucky ones to have to forcibly share my company are the poor, poor Sisters, and of course my patients, and it is unlikely they will ever complain. In this aspect, Greys' Anatomy is so far removed from what lives we, or at least I lead, glamour doesn't even make an annual-festival-like entry into the scheme of things, whereas the cast of Greys' Anatomy are so well turned out, always, even when they are on so called hectic 24 hour shifts, their hair, make-up carefully done so as to convey the entire gamut of nobility and stress our jobs are supposed to entail,,Bollocks!!!
Then the lives they lead, Snogging each other, (thanx to J K Rowlings for the term, I love it), in aptly placed corners and broom cupboards, or sleeping with each other, when not making dramatic, life saving decisions or taking calls that could make or break families and careers,..Even the cafeteria food they have seems so much better than the 'upma-idli-sambar-dosa' mix and match combos on offer here. Then the clothes they wear on perfectly toned, buffed bodies, and they have the sheer gall to suggest that the Docs' in that blessed hospital even smell, let alone eat a Pizza!! Liars!!
Then they leave work to go back to these loft-like spacious, well co-ordinated apartments, and condos,,even the kitchenette looks much better, much more comfortable than the Fox-hole I come back to,,. To top it all is the all-year round, never ending Chic winter, you will have to agree with me on this, Winter IS the most glamorous season there is, you can go all out on your dresses, and Ensembles,,and then you look so much better, when you are coming in, huddled against the cold, the snow, hands deep n your pockets, bundled up, your face, in a tight close up, burdened with all the earthly problems of the multitudes,,.
We too go through these happenings, day in and day out, but not as beautifully or in as cozily chic a way as this. Our settings are far less pleasing to the eye, and our off duty, or for that matter even our on duty, off work hours, are so extremely not interesting, with un-buffed, over fed bodies in ill-fitting, ill-matched outfits,(dare I call them that?), hovering around you, there is so much solace in a book, its pages offering you better diversions,,so much easier to avoid a conversation, thus,,.Can you blame me?
How I wish I had the Address of that Glorious hospital in Television land, I could shift there for a residency,,THEN perhaps this 'Goo' that I have on my face would be put to some use,,,That reminds me, Yes! It is dry, I have got to go and take a bath,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,