Sunday, December 30, 2007


The year is slowly coming to an end, it's last few hours, bringing with them, not the dignity that the dying deserve, but rather is full of her dying agonies, of unfulfilled wishes, unlived dreams, and regrets about " what could have been..." and death should never be this way, it should be the end of all turmoil, the last leg of one's journey into eternity, into yesterday. 2007 in its infancy, had all the hopes and dreams that small eyes dare to see, full of positive colours and grand plans,of how all the wrongs of the year gone-by would be corected, would be replaced by good things, fulfillment of dreams on a grand scale,,,but slowly as the year unravelled, we forgot our new-year resolutions and proceeded to repeat all the mistakes that we swore never ever to, again,, but do we learn? no!!!
The dying moments of this year, leave behind a tableau so gross, so horrifying, so full of shame and indignity,,, this is not the way things should end, ever!
2007 saw a deviation from human values in its most vile and a shocking disregard for human life and property. People everywhere are returning to the Renegade justice we were supposed to have left behind, with progression towards so-called MODERNITY, we killed, maimed, tortured people, somewhere in the name of Religion, sometimes Caste or Justice, but regardless of what-ever the cause, human lives were lost,,and the worst thing was, people donot realise that, they the perpetrators could become the victims, with just a mere shifting of the winds,, and untill we do, this is just going to get worse, with each passing year,,with each fresh death!
I only wish, we shed the apathy we have and learn to protest, to defy things we know are wrong, are worth condemning, for untill we do so, this cycle isn't going to stop, ths bad dream isn't going to stop! We are geting so used to this voyeuristic lifestyle, so thrilled with sights of gore and misery, that very soon, we are going to physically resemble the creatures we already have turned into, inwardly,,,,VULTURES!! Feeding on carcasses, on misfortune, on sadness, on Human lives.
2008 is upon us and unless we want to see it too die the same painfull death 2007 has been cursed with,,we better do something to prevent it,, for good things do not just happen, they are made to happen,,,.
In sha Allah!!!

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