Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Guardian angel of mine

2010 has started off with a real bang!!
Not the costly, noisy, fruits of child labour kind of bangs!!!, I leave those for my moneyed and sense less friends,
it has started off with a real bang-up of a mess here in AP, guess I manage to drag political and public unrest wherever I go,,(remember where I come from?).
Anyway, my partner to a very exclusive, by invite only party for two, by the roadside, below our hostel, was this three legged dog. this dog who roams the streets near our hostel, where during the day there are a lot of eateries open, which translate into a lot of scraps behind when they close shop for the day,, and you can usually find him curled up in some corner nearby, as the night progresses.
I remember feeding him a biscuit or two, a long time back, and since then whenever I come and go from the hospital to the hostel ,at all odd times during the night, there he is, like a wobbly, jumping shadow, limping along behind me, gambolling in a weird three legged way around me, seeing me safely across the street, and I swear he hangs around until I turn around and wave or yell, almost as if to say, "there, I am safely across, You can leave now",, I swear, he does that.
like my guardian angel, or at least that is what he thinks he is,,
I can't help smiling whenever I see him, for a dog with a handicap, and in this canine eat canine world, it is a pretty big handicap to be living with, he is just so cheerful, always smiling, (now do not tell me dogs cannot smile, they can!), always chirpy, never staid, never quiet, he even gets up on my shoulders with his one good front leg, and gives me an extra big grin from time to time, and weirdly enough, those are always the days when I am extra pissed at something, or someone. it is uncanny.
Well, we munched on biscuits and whispered the New Year in,
I just wish I was more like him, at peace with my own handicaps, at peace with the world.
happy New Year Guys!!


The Cynic said...

hey, you had the best new year possible, i think, btter than mine at any rate.

hope the year is less gloomier than the last one.

happy new year.

rajarshi said...

Cheers to that,,?
