When you get to my age, time becomes relative,, (No, I didn't say RELATED, I said relative).
Age does seem to be catching up with me, I have started getting irritated by other people talking too loud, or calling out to each other in loud voices,,,while it seems all right if I do the screaming.
Strange? Not at all, I don't scream, just speak emphatically as and

Anyway, it has been a long time since I felt the inclination to sit in front of an unfriendly, blinking, blue screen, pouring my heart out to it,,,unless,,
Unless I can make a horcrux or two out of them.
I really can't imagine what on earth gave me the idea that I could do this day in day out, being a doctor I mean.
I cannot really remember how my last four months have just swished by, in a blur. If you ask me to recollect anything important during that time, I'd be really straining my grey cells, (if I have any left, that is). Life's a mess and I can hardly hold one single thought in my head for more than a minute,,Age?
Someone who is very dear to me called me up, as he usually does, I was eye-deep in stress, said I would call him up,, and am still trying to gather enough thoughts together in my head, to make a conversation out of it. Sorry "V".
It's not that I don't want to.
The only saving grace in all this while has been the promise of rains. Each day I wake up to gloomy, cloud-swept skies. Yummy.
Anyone going through this is welcome to point out even a single line that made sense to them.
PS. Landmark has opened up here. I am yet to go there!

Sanity? Well, its the intricacies of an insane brat!!
wounded healers, eh? you bet...
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