Hi there,,, Look at me, am behaving like an idiot once again, trying to address my readers,,(Hee Hee,,) Isn't that absolutely the funniest thing you ever came across?
When I know that the only readership I get is when a word in my post matches the random word search of a surfer who happens to be on line, and stumbles upon my post, like a person caught in the wrong place at a wrong time, (too many Terry Pratchett books for me,these days, i guess), anyways,, I am In Hyderabad,have joined a Post Grad course in what is possibly one of Asia's largest Hospitals, at least in terms of sheer size, Employee count, and Resources, and am enjoying every moment of my stay here.
I am posted in an ICU at present, and life here is constantly on the move, and is filled with the steady blip-blip of various monitors trying their best to keep up with the daunting task of staying in pace with His most fabulous creation, which, even at the worst of times, lying in an ICU bed, swathed in wires, hooked up to various contraptions, is still way above the best of machines. Such is His genius, and this is most keenly felt in places like this, where the mortality of us humans, is there for all to see,,,,,
Hyderabad is a lovely City, (say something new, damnit) the greenery here is simply amazing, and equally amazing are the people, who go out of their way to help you, once you manage to convey your needs to them, and once you have figured out that the gibberish the person in front of you is seemingly spouting, is actually English, with a unique Andhra twist, and is a joy to hear. Similar is the Hindi here, I absolutely am in love with what they do to this otherwise staid language, and all the "miyas" thrown in makes it even more spicy....The Malls here are great, so are the Movie theatres, don't I sound just like a farm boy out on his first City trip? I know,, but so what? I never claimed sophistication,,
nSo,, here is what I plan,, I am going to try for a broadband connexion, or something else,, till then, The Cyber Cafes are going to have to tolerate my Fervent key-banging, whenever I get the time to do so,, I am here to study, remember?
This is the first of my posts from this lovely city,, and my axious wait for Monsoon, shall be interspersed with more posts,, till then,, Ciao! Take care of yourselves,,and be good!